Golden Dawn 1 by Maggie Simonelli 2024
encaustic, crushed pearls, 22 kt gold leaf, 16 kt pale gold leaf, aluminum leaf, Japanese coral, Dolce & Gabbana Bacio blush, and glass pigments on wood  36” x 36”

art opening: Golden Dawn
 new paintings by Maggie Simonelli
gary marotta fine art  provincetown

art opening : friday, June 7th & saturday, June 8th 7-9 pm gary marotta fine art  162 commerical street provincetown

Golden Dawn, encaustic paintings  by Maggie Simonelli

Opalescence of crushed pearls, warmth resonating from coral, pale pinks,

red oranges, the colors of sunrise through the translucence of beeswax,

pale golds, shimmering silvers, these are the materials of Maggie

Simonelli's paintings for the exhibit entitled Golden Dawn that speak to the

heart through the senses. Enchanted by themes of nature, love and

presence in the series Golden Dawn Maggie Simonelli embraces the

feminine, beauty with highly decorative style and sensuality of touch.

Simonelli says, "Golden Dawn series is inspired by the presence and

awareness felt at the moment of the dawn as the sunlight spreads out on

the horizon and sparkles in soft shimmering golden haze of pink and

oranges. That moment awakens with its soft golden light creates the

transition coming out of the darkness of night and the beginning of the new

day. There is a stillness here at this moment between worlds where nature

resonates the transcendence within. As a witness, we awaken to beauty."

Golden Dawn 2 by Maggie Simonelli 2024
encaustic, crushed pearls, 22 kt gold leaf, 16 kt pale gold leaf, aluminum leaf, Japanese coral, Dolce & Gabbana Bacio blush and glass pigments on wood  36” x 36” 

The Breeze at Dawn by Rumi

The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.

~ Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks, Essential Rumi

Golden Dawn, 3  by Maggie Simonelli 2024
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, champagne gold leaf. aluminum leaf, Japanese coral. red coral, glass pigments on wood  24” x 72”

Golden Dawn, 4 & 5  by Maggie Simonelli 2024
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, aluminum leaf, Japanese coral. red coral, glass pigments on wood  24” x 48”

Simonelli uses materials as symbols. Pearls have been symbolic of goddess culture associated with Venus which finds its origins in the Middle East in goddess Astarte. Finding the transcendent within and being present to this source is part of the journey in this series. Alchemy of elements are “slow-cooked” on double boiler creating handmade paints of beeswax. Rich, luscious surfaces of soft cream of translucent pearls are layered like as if building the nacre surface of a pearl like softness of the clouds. The horizon of coral and pale glass pinks interlace inside the feathery pale gold and silver petals that radiate upward on wood panels with Simonelli's signature encaustic “burn-in” technique. Continually layering into wax, Simonelli layers of brushed on crushed pearls , pale pink and coral glass pigments within the pale colored beeswax with iridescence of imbedded metals.

Golden Dawn, on the horizon 1 by Maggie Simonelli 2024 
encaustic, crushed pearls, Japanese coral, glass pigments, 16 kt. pale gold leaf, aluminum leaf on wood  6 “ x 24”

Golden Dawn, on the horizon 2 by Maggie Simonelli 2024 (sold)
encaustic, crushed pearls, Japanese coral, glass pigments, 16 kt. pale gold leaf, aluminum leaf on wood  6“ x 24”

Simonelli paintings return to reverence of Nature, embracing the decorative, the liberation of beauty, sacred love and divinity of the feminine as a living nature. Maggie Simonelli painting process is a devotional contemplation, a communication of beauty and nature of the human spirit through the hand.

Trio, Golden Dawn , pink, coral, red  by Maggie Simonelli
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, aluminum leaf, Japanese coral. red coral, glass pigments on wood, 3 @ 6” x 6“

Pink Golden Dawn , by Maggie Simonelli
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, aluminum leaf, Japanese coral. red coral, glass pigments on wood   6” x 6“

Golden Dawn, sun rising red coral  #3 2024 by Maggie Simonelli (sold)
encaustic, crushed pearls, Japanese coral, glass pigments, 16 kt. pale gold leaf, aluminum leaf on wood  6“ x 12”

Go within.
Hear the story of sunrise from the sun itself.
If there were no sunrise within I would have set long ago !
- Rumi 

Golden Dawn,  sun rising  pink. red coral & red , 2, 3, & 4  by Maggie Simonelli 2024 (sold)
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, aluminum leaf, Japanese coral. red coral, Dolce & Gabbana Bacio blush, and glass pigments on wood  6” x 36”

*Inner Sunrise by Rumi, Rumi: In the Arms of the Beloved by Jonathan Star, 2008.

paintings by maggie simonelli

Nacre of Pearl #2 2023
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 k pale gold leaf, Japanese coral, oyster shells,
and glass pigments, aluminum leaf and cosmetics on wood
36" x 36" x 1 1/4" (sold)

nacre of pearl new paintings by maggie simonelli at gary marotta fine art -g1 gallery in provincetown
art opening : friday, june 9th & saturday june 10th 7-9 pm at
gary marotta fine art g-1 gallery 162 commercial street provincetown

Nacre of Pearl encaustic paintings Maggie Simonelli

Opalescence of crushed pearls, warmth of peach orange resonating from coral, pale pinks, translucence of beeswax, pale golds, shimmering silvers, these are the materials of Maggie Simonelli's paintings for the exhibit entitled Nacre of Pearls that speak to the heart through the senses. Enchanted by themes of nature, love and compassion in the series Pearl within the Pearl Maggie Simonelli embraces the feminine, beauty with highly decorative style with sensuality of touch. The title of the series comes from Rumi quote :

“Whatever pearl you seek, look for the pearl within the pearl!” ― Rumi

Pearls have been symbolic of goddess culture associated with Venus which finds its origins in the Middle East in goddess Astarte. Finding the transcendent within and diving deep into this source to find spiritual essence is part of the journey in this series.

Nacre of Pearl, Pearl within the Pearl series 2022-23
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, Japanese coral, oyster shells, glass pigments, aluminum leaf and cosmetics on wood
36" x 36" x 1 1/4" (sold)

Alchemy of elements are “slow-cooked” on double boiler creating handmade paints of beeswax. Rich, luscious surfaces of soft cream of translucent pearls are layered like as if building the nacre surface of a real pearl. Salmon colored coral and pale glass pinks Interlace inside the feathery pale gold and silver petals that radiate upward on wood panels with Simonelli's signature encaustic “burn-in” technique. Painting with the nacre of real pearls in Nacre of Pearl, the softness of the color has a shell like effect encompasses the viewer in pale coral pearl cloud. Continually layering into wax, Simonelli layers of brushed on crushed pearls , pale pink glass pigments within the pale colored beeswax with iridescence of imbedded metals.

Trio of Pearls, baby pearls #1a , #2a & #3a 2022-3
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, Japanese coral, oyster shells, glass pigments, aluminum leaf and cosmetics on wood
each 6" x 6" x 1"

Pearl, pale pink 2022-23
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, Japanese coral, oyster shells, glass pigments, aluminum leaf and cosmetics on wood
6" x 6" x 1"

Pearl. Pale Pink & Inspiration Three Graces, 1st c CE Fresco, Masseria di Como Irace, Pompeii

Simonelli says :
The pearl is a treasure hidden and a protector for the oyster who creates the pearl within. In irritant arriving with the oyster shell signals the process to cover it with nacre secretions. This protective coating is iridescent and creates the final pearl. For the artist the birth of pearl is symbolic of power of love and goddess Venus that at first may irritate the heart to act and creates beauty and sacred nature within.

Pearl within the pearl, Pink 2023
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, Japanese coral, oyster shells, glass pigments, aluminum leaf and cosmetics on wood 18" x 18" x 1 1/2" (sold)

Pearl within the pearl, Coral  2023 
encaustic, crushed  pearls,  16 kt pale gold leaf, Japanese coral, oyster shells,  glass pigments, aluminum leaf and cosmetics on wood 
18" x 18"  x 1 1/2”

Pale gold, coral & pearl, group #1, #2, #3, #4 2023
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, Japanese coral, oyster shells, glass pigments, aluminum leaf and cosmetics on wood
each : 10" x 10" x 3/4"

Simonelli paintings return to reverence of Nature, embracing the decorative, the liberation of beauty, sacred love and divinity of the feminine as a living nature. Maggie Simonelli painting process is a devotional contemplation, a communication of beauty and nature of the human spirit through the hand.

Pale gold, rose & pearl, 2023
encaustic, crushed pearls, 16 kt pale gold leaf, Japanese coral, oyster shells, glass pigments, aluminum leaf and cosmetics on wood
10" x 10" x 3/4" (sold)

new exhibition at
gary marotta fine art, g-1 in provincetown

Maggie Simonelli, Heart of Water, Blue #2 (sold)
ncaustic, 16 kt pale gold, aluminum leaf, DIOR Denim 279 eye shadow and pigments on birch panel 36" x 36" x 1 1/4"

detail Heart of Water, Blue #2 (sold)
ncaustic, 16 kt pale gold, aluminum leaf, DIOR Denim 279 eye shadow and pigments on birch panel 36" x 36" x 1 1/4"

encaustic paintings by maggie simonelli

Maggie Simonelli, Heart of Water, Blue #1 (sold)
ncaustic, 16 kt pale gold, aluminum leaf, DIOR Denim 279 eye shadow and pigments on birch panel 36" x 36" x 1 1/4"

Maggie Simonelli Heartbeat of Water #1 (sold)
Encaustic, 22 kt gold leaf, arctic blue silver leaf, aluminum leaf , oxidized copper leaf and pigments on wood 24” x 37 1/2” ” x 1 1/8"

Maggie Simonelli Heartbeat of Water #2
Encaustic, 22 kt gold leaf, arctic blue silver leaf, aluminum leaf, oxidized copper leaf and pigments on wood
24” x 37 1/2” ” x 1 1/8" (sold)

Maggie Simonelli Heart of Water, blue & gold 2022
encaustic, 16 kt pale gold, aluminum leaf, Pat McGrath Labs Subliminal Mothership eye shadows and pigments on wood
20” x 20” x 1 1/2” (sold)

Opalescence of crushed pearls, warmth of peach orange resonates from coral, translucence of beeswax, turquoise floating in a sea of blues, pale golds, shimmering silvers, these are the materials of Maggie Simonelli's paintings that speak to the heart through the senses.

Maggie Simonelli Love is a Cloud that Scatters Pearls, Triptych 2019-2021 (sold)
Encaustic, crushed pearls, Japanese coral, oyster shell and Iwamomo (pink glass) pigments, MAC eye shadow,
aluminum leaf, bee pollen and pigments on wood 20” x 60” x 1 1/2”

detail, one panel of tryptch Love is a Cloud that Scatters Pearls (sold)

Maggie Simonelli Love is a Cloud that Scatters Pearls 2019 - 2021
encaustic, crushed pearls, Japanese coral, oyster shell and Iwamomo (pink glass) pigments, MAC eye shadow,
metal leaf, bee pollen and pigments on birch panel 40” x 60” x 1 1/2”

Enchanted by themes of nature, love and compassion in the exhibit Water & Pearls Maggie Simonelli embraces the feminine, beauty with highly decorative style and sensuality of touch. Alchemy of elements are “slow-cooked” on double boiler creating handmade paints of beeswax. Rich, luscious surfaces of translucent paint are interlaced with pale gold, silver leafs on wood panels with Simonelli's signature encaustic “burn-in” technique. Painting with the nacre of real pearls in Love is a Cloud that Scatter Pearls the softness of the color has a shell like effect encompasses the viewer in pale coral pearl cloud. Continually layering into wax, Simonelli carves out arabesque shapes and lines with ceramic tools, layering colors with iridescence of embedded metals.

Painting with real crushed Pearls IN THE STUDIO : the making of Love is a Cloud that Scatters Pearls

Simonelli says "As this year brought us indoors and within, the paintings reflect this quiet contemplation of our own nature and connections to nature that brought solace in the face of uncertainty. The Heart of Water is a mediation on water as the compassionate heart of nature and mirror reflection into our own hearts as we dealt with loss. The fear, tragedy, death and the uncertainty, brought us a new expanded awareness of our relationships to each other and to the sacredness of life."

Maggie Simonelli, Heart of Water, Blue #1 & #2 (sold)
ncaustic, 16 kt pale gold, aluminum leaf, DIOR Denim 279 eye shadow and pigments on birch panel
36" x 72" x 1 1/4"

baby blue series Heart of Water, #1 , #2, #4 & #6 (all sold)
ncaustic, 16 kt pale gold, aluminum leaf, Pat McGrath Labs Subliminal Mothership eye shadows and pigments on birch panel each 6" x 6" x 1" (sold)

Love isn't the work of the tender and the gentle;
Love is the work of wrestlers.
The one who becomes a servant of lovers
is really a fortunate sovereign.
Don't ask anyone about Love; ask Love about Love.
Love is a cloud that scatters pearls
~ Rumi
Rumi: The Book of Love: Poems of Ecstasy and Longing
Translated by Coleman Barks

LEFT Heart of Water, baby blue #3 RIGHT: Heart of Water, gold #7
ncaustic, 16 kt pale gold, aluminum leaf, Pat McGrath Labs Subliminal Mothership eye shadows and pigments on birch panel each 6” x 6” x 1" (sold #3 & #7)

Simonelli embraces the decorative, playing on the liberation of beauty, sacred love and divinity of the feminine in a living nature. Simonelli paintings return to reverence of Nature and sacred love. Adorn the paintings, finishing with soft, velvety shimmering colors from DIOR, MAC and Pat McGrath Labs cosmetics incorporating titles to play into a created sacred love mythology.

Heart of Water, blue & gold #8
ncaustic, 16 kt pale gold, aluminum leaf, Pat McGrath Labs Subliminal Mothership eye shadows and pigments on birch panel
6” x 6” x 1" (sold #8)